Factores de riesgo de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos crónicos laborales
Palabras clave: factores de riesgo, trastornos músculoesqueléticos, laboral
Abstract Background: Musculoskeletal disorders, among the most important problems of occupational health and absenteeism in the United States and Latin American countries, generate significant economic consequences to workers, business, health institutions and gross domestic product, they are derived from muscle overload in work by postures, repetitive movements with strength and intensity, frequency and duration; it is relevant to identify them to generate actions to prevent the consequences mentioned. Objective: To determine risk factors of chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Material and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was done with a population of 90 workers, using RULA method (to identify postures, static-dynamic work force, translating four levels of action according to ergonomic stress detected), and standardized Nordic questionnaire of musculoskeletal symptoms. Results: Population had not injury symptoms, the most affected segments were: right hand-wrist (65.5%), back (62.2%) and left hand-wrist (44.2%); 87% of workers required self-medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for relieving moderate to severe pain, persistent during 1-24 hours; 73% of the population was at level 3 and 27% at level 4; requiring urgent redesign and changes in the task, respectively. Conclusions: Risk factors of chronic musculoskeletal disorders in the subjects of the study were: intensity, frequency and duration of movements capable to generate such as disorders, which explain discomfort of workers, mainly in the dynamic work in upper limbs. Key words: risk factors, musculoskeletal disorders, workplace.
Keywords: risk factors, musculoskeletal disorders, workplace
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