Encefalopatía anoxo-isquémica posterior al paro cardiorrespiratorio

Palabras clave: mortalidad, pronóstico, paro cardiaco, predictores, encefalopatía
ABSTRACT Anoxo-ischemic encephalopathy is a syndrome caused by an imbalance between two factors: the supply of oxygen (O2) and the decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF). Causes that determine this phenomenon include: systemic hypoxia (asphyxia, respiratory failure), changes in the transport of O2 (anemia, acute carbon monoxide poisoning) or a global reduction of cerebral blood flow, such as cardiac arrest. This paper reviews the model of the cardiopulmonary arrest since it is the most common cause of anoxo-ischemic encephalopathy in clinical practice in adults. Key words: mortality, prognosis, predictors, encephalopathy, cardiac arrest.
Keywords: mortality, prognosis, cardiac arrest, predictors, encephalopathy

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