Pioderma gangrenoso en un dedo de una mujer joven con colitis ulcerativa crónica inespecífica

Palabras clave: pioderma gangrenoso, colitis ulcerativa crónica inespecífica, presentación inusual
ABSTRACT Pyoderma gangrenosum is an inflammatory sterile dermatosis, with well-defined variants, affects 3 to 10 cases per million per year; it is a rare entity, usually occurs in the front of the legs, is unusual in the hands and more rare in fingers, therefore, the suspected diagnosis is low and the disease progression is rapid. Half of the patients suffer from an underlying disease and in 10-15% of cases it is associated to inflammatory bowel disease. This paper reports the case of a 19-year-old woman with ulcerative colitis and pyoderma gangrenosum in the middle finger of right hand. Key words: pyoderma gangrenosum, inflammatory bowel disease, unusual presentation.
Keywords: pyoderma gangrenosum, inflammatory bowel disease, unusual presentation
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