Subependimoma del septum pellucidum. Un tumor intraventricular poco frecuente

Palabras clave: ventrículos laterales, hipertensión intracraneal, hidrocefalia, subependimoma, septum pellucidum
ABSTRACT A 43 years old female presented an intraventricular tumor of the left frontal horn. It is producing relapsing and remitting symptoms about thirty years characterized by headache, tinnitus, phosphenes, vertigo, retrograde amnesia and decrease in the strength of right leg associated with head position. After installing a permanent abrupt obstruction developed acute no communicating hydrocephalus causing cardiac arrest and sudden death. The histopathological report was of a subependymoma of septum pellucidum. Key words: subependymoma, intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, lateral ventricles, septum pellucidum.
Keywords: hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension, lateral ventricles, subependymoma, septum pellucidum
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