Correlación entre el grado de anemia en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica y el grado de hiperfosfatemia y producto de solubilidad
Palabras clave: anemia, enfermedad renal crónica, hiperfosfatemia, producto de solubilidad
Abstract Background: Anemia increases morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular complications (angina, heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy), which can lead to further deterioration of renal function and to the establishment of an anemic cardiorenal syndrome. Objective: To measure levels of hemoglobin, calcium and phosphorus in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5 who are receiving erythropoietin and to establish whether there is any correlation among these variables. Material and methods: A descriptive, observational, crosssectional and prolective study was made in which it was determined a sample of 24 patients (men and women) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5 in replacement therapy of renal function with CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) and refractory anemia. Samples were taken for measurement of hemoglobin, phosphate (P04) and calcium (Ca) and solubility product (product calcium x phosphorus) was calculated. To correlate variable hemoglobin with variables calcium and phosphate inferential statistics was used by coefficient of Pearson correlation. It also was calculated determination coefficient. For calculating p value distribution t was used and values of 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: From patients included 12 were female and 12 male, with an age mean of 45.5 years. Correlation between variable hemoglobin and solubility product resulted negative, with an r of -0.433 (95% CI -.034 to -.711) and determination coefficient of 18%, with a confident interval of 95% with p < 0.05. Conclusions: There is statistically significant negative correlation between the level of Hb and P04 levels and PS, which could indicate that the increase in P04 and Ca favor the refractory anemia in patients with CKD stage 5 in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Key words: hyperphosphatemia, solubility product, anemia, chronic kidney disease.
Keywords: anemia, hyperphosphatemia, solubility product, chronic kidney disease
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