Copeptina. Un novedoso e interesante biomarcador pronóstico
Palabras clave: estrés, copeptina, biomarcador, arginina-vasopresina
ABSTRACT The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is activated in response to stress. Arginin vasopressin (AVP) is a key stress hormone involved in hemodynamics and osmoregulation. Copeptin is a 39-aminoacid glycopeptide that comprises the C-terminal segment of AVP that is co-released with AVP from hypothalamus in stress. Copeptin is a biomarker of nonspecific stress response but due to the positive association of copeptin with the severity of illness and outcome has been proposed as a prognostic marker in sepsis, pneumonia, heart failure, acute coronary syndromes, stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage and other acute illnesses. Copeptin improves the prognostic information provided by commonly used clinical scoring instruments and an accurate prognostic assessment has the potential to guide interventions, thus optimizing the management of patients. This review summarizes the recent evidence related to copeptin as a novel prognostic biomarker. Key words: copeptin, stress, arginine vasopressin, biomarker.
Keywords: Arginine Vasopressin, stress, copeptin, biomarker
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