Eclampsia y síndrome HELLP completo: el extremo de la complicación obstétrica

Palabras clave: tratamiento, síndrome HELLP, preeclampsia, fisiopatología
ABSTRACT Preeclampsia is a multisystemic disorder with clinical criteria which have not changed in the last decade: gestational age of 20 weeks, blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg, test strip with 1 + or spot urine sample with 30 mg of proteins in two samples of 4 to 6 h. Globally it represents 10% to 15% of maternal deaths, some epidemiological sources reported immunological, thrombotic, bad adaptation on placenta, oxidative stress and genetic factors as etiological hypothesis. This disease can threat life and increase maternal and child morbidity and mortality with risk of 20% to seven years of hypertension and microalbuminuria. Key words: preeclampsia, pathophysiology, HELLP syndrome, treatment.
Keywords: treatment, HELLP syndrome, Preeclampsia, pathophysiology
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