El ancho de distribución de glóbulos rojos como marcador pronóstico en pacientes hospitalizados por insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva agudizada
Palabras clave: ancho de distribución de glóbulos rojos, insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva agudizada
ABSTRACT Background: Red cell distribution width is part of the routine report of complete hematic biometry. This parameter usually is high in patients with ineffective erythropoiesis, when there is increased erythrocytes destruction or after blood transfusions. Red cell distribution width is also increased in other pathological processes, such as malnutrition, liver disease, colon cancer and bone marrow metastasis. Objective: To determine the association between high red cell distribution width and intrahospitalary death due to any cause. Material and method: A case-control retrolective study was done in which red cell distribution width was measured at entering of patients with acute congestive heart failure. Results: Thirty-two patients with entering diagnosis of acute congestive heart failure were included in the study. There were only three deaths. Nineteen patients had increased red cell distribution width at entering; however, none of them died. Only 13 patients had a long intrahospitalary stay, seven of them with increased red cell distribution width. Conclusions: Hypothesis of patients with increased red cell distribution width have higher intrahospitalary mortality was discarded, because all patients who died had a red cell distribution width into the normal ranges. Key words: red cell distribution width, acute congestive heart failure.
Keywords: red cell distribution width, acute congestive heart failure
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